Benefit from our certified appraisers ready to assess different trades - 100% expertise at all levels for perfect evaluations. Your benefits at a glance:
Selection of the right site in consideration of all legal requirements
Precautionary measures to avoid construction misplanning, as well as product and installation errors
Maximise revenue by selecting premium products and appropriate professional installers
Testing, inspection, maintenance and service of any type of installed PV systems, including electrical engineering
Save time and money with turnkey planning and advice from the experts of REactive experts
Ensure smooth system operation and avoid unnecessary costs
TÜV Rheinland certified
Determination of existing facts
Accurate and insightful reviews and evaluations
Damage settlement proposal with cost calculation and advisory support
Opinion in written and digital form
Calibrated measuring equipment
Continuous and verifiable training
Decades of international expertise in the value chain of photovoltaic system engineering